Friday 16 August 2013

Thor Odinson

Yeah,yeah..I know another post about a comic character...Its just that I was raised by a dad who loves comic.No he is not a huge fan but he is a fan and well I'm his yeah..but we don't collect merchandise, comics or action figures..We're just interested in this kind of story..Today I'll be blogging about 'The God Of Thunder'..THOR

Thor originates from a realm known as Asgard which is connected to Midgard(Earth) by a bridge known as 'The Bifrost'. He is an asgardian prince and the son of Odin. He is entrusted to wield the mighty hammer 'Mjolnir' which grant him various magical abilities.In the film, Thor is banished from Asgard to Earth because of his foolish actions that started a war between the frost giants and the asgardian. Mjolnir was taken from him because he is no longer worthy to wield it and he was stripped of his powers and became a normal human.In the end, he proved that he is worthy and regain his powers...He became the same warrior but a different man..That is all I can tell ;-) you have to watch it yourselve
                                                      Thor trying to pull out Mjolnir

                                                     Thor about to be crown King

                                                   Thor as he appears in The Avengers

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